Monte Cristo
Montecristo is a household name in the cigar world. Smokers worldwide know they can count on Montecristo for a well-made, Dominican-bred cigar when their tastes trend towards high quality, mild-bodied strength. A light, Connecticut-grown wrapper leaf holds a well-aged blend of Dominican fillers together and adds a creamy finish to the sweet, grassy taste of the fillers.
Montecristo is a household name in the cigar world. Smokers worldwide know they can count on Montecristo for a well-made, Dominican-bred cigar when their tastes trend towards high quality, mild-bodied strength. A light, Connecticut-grown wrapper leaf holds a well-aged blend of Dominican fillers together and adds a creamy finish to the sweet, grassy taste of the fillers.
Montecristo is a household name in the cigar world. Smokers worldwide know they can count on Montecristo for a well-made, Dominican-bred cigar when their tastes trend towards high quality, mild-bodied strength. A light, Connecticut-grown wrapper leaf holds a well-aged blend of Dominican fillers together and adds a creamy finish to the sweet, grassy taste of the fillers.